The High School Summer Basketball League is NCAA compliant. The HSSBL is open to all boys and girls high school and Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) basketball teams. The league was created to serve basketball teams that are looking to obtain quality playing competition on a consistent basis during the summer months. The League consists of 6 boys teams and 6 girls teams within a bracket structure.

HSSBL games are played on Fridays and Saturdays for 9 weeks.

The Championship Games will be held during Week 9.

The League Awards Ceremony will be held after the Championship Game.

The league criteria are as follows:

  • Must be in the 9th - 12th grade (Open to rising 9th graders to current graduate unsigned seniors)

  • The team you start with must be the team you end with

  • Team registration fees are $600/per team

  • Each team will be required to provide their own uniforms

I. Game Day Expectations

A. All players are expected to dress appropriately for league games. (Team uniforms as designated by your coaches.)

B. All players are expected to arrive on time for games. If an emergency arises such as car trouble, call or text the HSSBL League Director immediately at (470) 347-6191.

C. We expect excellence in behavior during games, which includes:

1. There will be absolutely no fighting or profanity. Fighting and profanity will not be tolerated.

2. Maintain a positive attitude about the teams in the league, and its performance.

3. Maintain a clean area around the benches. We expect all teams to clean up after themselves following each game.

D. LEAGUE TEAMS and PARENTS are expected to present themselves with the utmost display of sportsmanship. Taunting opponents or officials will not be tolerated. Players will be removed from the game and parents may be asked to leave the gym.

II. Code of Ethics

A. We expect each team and all parents to represent the HSSBL with the utmost class and excellence of character.

B. There is a zero-tolerance policy for disrespect of coaches or referees which includes profanity, refusal to comply with rules, or any other means of insolence.

C. Please talk directly and respectfully to the League Director about any questions or issues you have.

D. Parents are not to approach the benches during a game for any reason unless requested by the coach.